

What I Learnt

This week we continued on proofs, including contrapositive, contradiction, proof about non-boolean functions, proof about limits, and disprove.

One of my classmates, Eujin Choi, felt confused about chapter 4, because she was only comfortable of proofing in direct ways, rather than indirect or other ways (http://comscislog.blogspot.ca/2014/10/slog-6.html). At first, when I read the course notes before the lecture, I shared the same problem with her. It was hard for me to tell when I should use the direct way and when I should use other approach until professor used the example to explain them.


When the reverse direction in the problem is easier for us to proof, we proof by using contrapositive. That is because contrapositive is equivalent to the original statement, and inverse the antecedent and consequence.


        As for the contradiction, I think we should use it when the antecedent is implicit and so general. For example, when Q is “There are infinitely many even natural numbers”, we cannot find a certain P to imply Q.

Floor x

What is more, another confusion for me at first was the non-boolean functions. Our professor used floor x as the example. The definition was complicate and made no sense to me. Therefore, the proof based on this definition I did not understand either. 

However, when I combined the graph of the function floor x together with the definition and the proof, I suddenly understood the whole thing!


    Through this week’s lecture, I realized that we should apply flexibly what we learnt before and try varies kinds of method to solve a problem.

